Humanity finds itself in a uniquely significant time in history. One paradigm is replacing another. Since the Age of Enlightenment, beginning in the 17th century, we have relied on the scientific method, rationality, empiricism, and reductionism to develop our worldview. This reliance on logic and reason defines us. A concomitant philosophy, known as scientific materialism, the belief that the physical world is all that exists and everything results from material causes, naturally emerged. Yet this worldview is not only being challenged, but completely overthrown. Scientific experimentation demonstrates the incorporeal foundations of reality, that the material manifests from the immaterial. Mind and Spirit are fundamental to existence, in fact causative of everything. This is a revolution in thought. The implications for individuals and society are enormous. A new perspective, what we can term the New Individualism, is required to both engage and advance humanity into the future. 

Quantum Reality

The grandest experiment in history comes from quantum physics and is known as The Double Slit Experiment, its results not only astonishing but revolutionary. Everything humans believed about the nature of reality was obliterated with this one, simple experimental result. In the experiment, electrons were shot at a partition with two open slits (there was a screen behind the partition to record the paths of the electrons). What emerged was a wave-like arrangement when the expectation was two distinct columns of dots representing individual particles. The results showed that the electrons were behaving like waves, transversing through both slits when they should have traveled through one or the other. Physicists initially thought the electrons were bouncing off each other, forming the wave arrangement. So they reduced the electron stream to one electron at a time. When the electrons were fired singularly and slowly (supposedly ensuring their particle-like nature), each individual electron also passed through the two slits. What was thought to be a single particle was behaving like a wave by passing through both slits at the same time. This is the famous wave-particle duality of Quantum Mechanics since an electron is both a wave and a particle existing as one. Remember, waves are potential while particles are actual. To this day, there is no satisfactory explanation for this phenomenon.

Obviously, this baffled early physicists. In fact, these findings were so bizarre that physicists tried to peek at the electrons to catch them in their curious behavior. They used measuring devices to actually see the electrons pass through the slits. Much to their astonishment, when they observed the electron, it behaved like a particle and passed through only one slit. The mere act of observing the electron (known as the Observer Effect) caused it to assume particle characteristics and abandon its wave-like nature.

Thus, Mind actualizes potential into matter. Nothing is real without Mind.

This literally has universal implications; the universe is not real without the participation of Consciousness. Without Mind interacting with it, the universe is simply a wave of potential lacking physical substance. The essence of the universe is incorporeal, with its actuality dependent on Mind.

As Neils Bohr once stated, “we can no longer regard the universe as something material and real when it is made of things that are immaterial and unreal.”

Consciousness, defined as self-awareness, will, intention, and desire, is therefore fundamental to existence. Moreover, observation can be antecedently linked to a First Observer or Great Consciousness, with everything resulting from this original Mind. An objective, physical reality does not exist without Consciousness actualizing it, and the lineage of observation throughout time mandates a First Observer. Hence, a foundational oneness that is both causative and immanent created and defines reality.


This inherent oneness of the universe is further demonstrated by another bizarre quantum phenomenon known as Quantum Entanglement. It occurs when subatomic pairs of particles interact physically. When measurements are made on their spin, momentum, position, and polarization, they are correlated. An effect on one particle immediately affects the other, even through distances of billions of light years. Two separate objects behaving as one, regardless of distance? That certainly doesn’t sound like traditional interpretations of reality.


So what are the implications of Quantum Entanglement? Consider the following


    • Everything is connected.
    • Since particles are brought into physical existence by Consciousness and everything is associated, the universe is entangled with Mind.
    • Since Quantum Entanglement is fundamental in nature, potentially any activity affects everything else.
    • Spacetime may result from Quantum Entanglement. The “grid” of the universe may result from the interconnectedness of everything.
    • Quantum Entanglement suggests a “one state” nature to reality. If superposition is the natural, unobserved state (all potentialities existing concurrently), then Consciousness brings single state reality into existence by observation. That does not preclude different levels of reality, only that we share a common one.
    • Consciousness allows parts to become separate from the whole so they can be experienced. Without Consciousness, all possibilities exist, but they are not known. Consciousness allows separateness without separation.
    • Determinism, the concept that everything is determined by previously existing causes and is therefore exceedingly rational, is obliterated. Quantum Entanglement points more toward indeterminism, the belief that everything is probabilistic, fundamentally random, and likely unknowable.

The further we look into the quantum world, the more bizarre it becomes. The next phenomenon is virtually incomprehensible. Consider when Quantum Entanglement is combined with the classic Double Slit Experiment in what is known as Delayed Choice and Quantum Eraser experiments. In 2015, an experiment was conducted at the Australian National University that demonstrated that measurements in the present can determine a particle’s past. In Quantum Eraser experiments, the major difference to the famous Double Slit Experiment is that the measuring devices observing the paths of electrons are placed behind the slits. In short, the electrons are viewed after rather than before they pass through the slits. Observation before the slits collapses their superposition (wave) and changes electrons to particles; if unobserved, experiments always show that electrons pass through as waves. But in Quantum Eraser experiments, observation is made after electrons pass through the slits as waves and are then observed—as particles! Observation changes their nature from wave to particle, even past the point of no return (the two, open slits). Moreover, a new history is loaded so the particles actually went through the two open slits as particles, even though they first passed through as a wave. History is rewritten. Observation in the present literally changes the past. This is known as Retrocausality, and it is  a staple of the quantum world.

Moreover, Retrocausality has vast universal implications for both time and reality. The Block Universe, or Eternalism, is the interpretation of the fate of the universe that naturally follows from both the Theory of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics. It asserts that the past, present, and future all exist and are equally real. Therefore, the universe exists as a block of spacetime, the span of the universe (all activities, processes, lifetimes, and experiences) encoded within this block. More importantly, since reality is foundationally immaterial (Consciousness being fundamental and causative of everything), this suggests not only incorporeal Mind but also incorporeal Spirit. Logically, Mind would be infused with Spirit and Spirit with Mind. This fusion in humans we can term SoulMind or Soul, derivative from original Mind and original Spirit, and subject to the physical laws, properties, rules, and conditions of a Block Universe.


The following is highly speculative, but as more data accumulates, its plausibility as an explanation of original intention increases. SoulMind allows us to experience time passing as new events, although in a Block Universe these events have already occurred. If SoulMind experiences these new events as original and genuine, free will is ensured. Moreover, all lives everywhere have existed, are existing, and will exist. Within these lives exists a full panoply of choices made and lessons learned. Souls inserted into these lives thus have an apparatus whereby they can “get an education.” Near Death Experience (NDE) accounts suggest that souls have been inserted into bodies for exactly that purpose, and this dynamic may continue with reincarnation into numerous lifetimes.

The Management of Destiny

Fortunately, some highly inquisitive minds preceded us and imagined reality as more than elemental, instead being stratified to include a spiritual realm. This stratification implies different “levels of reality.” Logically, a physical Block Universe would result from a more formative spiritual domain. The incredible complexity of our world, not to mention a nighttime gaze into the unfathomable heavens, prompted early philosophers to imagine levels of reality far beyond our own. Yet no agreement exists on how best to define or describe these other realms. Nothing prevents a Block Universe from containing any number of different levels of reality or even innumerable realms and the amount of universal complexity could be virtually endless. Such complexity is also highly unlikely to have appeared organically and likely results from intentional structuring.


Thus, a Block Universe containing different levels of reality implies not only increasing complexity, but purposeful design. The premise of a base, physical universe as all that exists is false. Reality is layered and intentionally constructed as such. Different levels, or realms, likely many of them, exist. Such intricacy suggests not only intention, but some form of management. Any teleological ends in the universe would require this management to fulfill its original purposes, such as for the placement of souls and the advancement of Spirit. Mechanisms for the management of destiny would likely be deployed from the inception of sentient life since such life would possess free will and correspondingly make imperfect decisions, requiring supervisory adjustment. This management would likely extend through all realms. We can consider these management mechanisms next.


We can think of these mechanisms as guideposts. Simply, there are distinctive awarenesses placed into human cognition and observable signs assembled into the universe. One of the devices for this communication between the Creator and the created is myth, “a traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or describing some natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events.” Another is an archetype, “the most typical or perfect example of a particular type of person or thing.” Note that typical here does not connote average. Both myths and archetypes emphasize a higher standard for humanity in what amounts to aspirational templates compared to a common life. In that way, they are similar to the forms of Plato where the ideal exceeds the actual. In addition to aspiration, myths and archetypes are meant to provide efficiency since the answers to age-old questions are answered by familiar exemplars of human behavior. According to Carl Jung, these are known as structuring principles. Obviously, myths contain archetypes, and archetypes contrive myths, and together they compel magnificent stories for personal and societal aspiration.


Another form of direction and destiny are dreams and visions. Metaphysically, these are assumed to come from universal mind or supernatural sources. Naturally, materialists ascribe them to residual random brain processes. We can consider some brief definitions in order to frame our discussion. A dream is “a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person’s mind during sleep. A vision is “an experience of seeing someone or something in a dream or trance, or as a supernatural apparition.” Likely, it appears that both dreams and visions originate from the immaterial realm and are designed to bring awareness to the individual through a combination of physical and incorporeal elements. Because dreams are ubiquitous, they probably result from a more direct layer of Mind and form a steady stream of influence, while visions are less common but also more powerful, suggesting they result from someplace deeper and are utilized for more crucial purposes.


Pertinent to our discussion of dreams and visions, we can briefly summarize the related concepts of intuition and recognition. Intuition is an innate human ability transcending cognitive processes and providing constructive insights. Closely related to intuition is recognition. The difference is that intuition and recognition are typically viewed as interior-driven while dreams and visions are typically viewed as exterior-driven; the former is within us, and the latter is sent to us.


Intuition is innate knowledge as opposed to something resulting from logic or reasoning. Essentially, it is similar to instinct, requiring no prior experience. Since “life” has instinct, intuition may be an attribute of panpsychism or ubiquitous Mind.  More importantly, intuition happens before the physical brain has time to process the data. As the brain responds to commands from some deeper part of ourselves, so does this deeper aspect perceive situations before physical cognitive processes begin. It means that intuition comes as an interior messaging system or the sense of the soul.


Unlike intuition, recognition is knowing something from previous knowledge. Two primary types of recognition exist. The first is recognition of things previously learned by our brain, and the second is recognition of things resulting from innate knowledge or intuition. Recognition then results from two inputs, one material and the other immaterial. Since individuals can have different learning capabilities in their physical brains, so too can humans have different recognition capabilities in their souls.


Lastly, we can consider the grandest example of directed destiny in all existence—the manipulation of objective reality and subjective perception into an unimaginable manifestation of meaning known as synchronicity. Synchronicity is rare but incredibly powerful. Synchronicity is defined as “the simultaneous occurrence of events which appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.” The concept was introduced by Jung and is often simply referred to as meaningful coincidence. We think this way: A causes B, and B causes C. In some cases, however, A, B, and C are related not by cause but by meaning to the observer.

Synchronicity does not replace cause and effect but rather produces another connecting principle for the inherent associations within reality. Synchronicity is a type of perceived togetherness and results from the same source responsible for myths, archetypes, dreams, and visions. Synchronicity is an announcement granted to the experiencer that something larger exists. It is evidence of a deeper reality. This deeper reality is often referred to as source, objective psyche, spiritual realm, higher self, or universal mind. Synchronicity is a message system that directs the experiencer toward greater awareness and is proof of arrangement. Consider the following example.

You are considering various movies to watch, and an inner voice guides you to choose a specific title. It is not a genre you prefer. During the movie, you learn a lesson that relates to an issue in your life. Just then you remember that inner voice guiding you to select that particular movie, and mentally you speak the phrase “that must be the reason” for your selection. The protagonist in the movie speaks the phrase “that must be the reason.”

There must be some type of connecting principle rooted in nature (apart from cause and effect) that allows this exchange between an incorporeal source and an individual.  In synchronicity, free will is unified with divine direction to reveal meaning. Some process, some method of connectivity, makes this possible. For this, we return to the phenomenon of entanglement from our earlier discussion of Quantum Mechanics. Entanglement is the connection between particles regardless of the distance between them. This linkage is inviolable, a universal level of connectedness fundamental to nature. Entanglement provides an underpinning for synchronicity—a mechanism, if you will—for connecting subjective experience and objective reality. Jung believed that synchronicity originated from universal order, from a source responsible for uniting physical events and mental perceptions, and that quantum physics revealed this source. Thus, synchronicities are entanglement come to Consciousness.

Civilizations in the Universe

Our expanded view of reality must not only include additional realms and the management of destiny, but also the possibility of extraterrestrial life. To a near certainty, we are not alone. Evidence of extraterrestrial life abounds. We can begin with some theoretical underpinnings and then consider the probability of contact.


The single greatest theoretical underpinning for the possibility of extraterrestrial life is known as the Drake Equation. Formulated by astronomer Frank Drake, it is a probabilistic calculation ascertain the number of intelligent civilizations in the galaxy. Intelligence is defined as being technologically communicative. It should be noted that the equation has a wide variance of values since many of the parameters can only be estimated. In fact, the equation is more useful as a consideration of the factors in evaluating the possibility of extraterrestrial life than a predictive device. It has been improved over the years by astronomical discoveries and resulting conceptual adjustments. The equation is as follows:

The Drake Equation is a winnowing process, reducing from the total number of stars down to planets with technological civilizations. Although intelligent life is probable, it is likely exceedingly rare. In any case, the Drake Equation was formulated within the framework of interstellar communication, specifically transmissions sent into space as the method of detection of intelligent life. It makes no provision for direct contact or other methods of discovery. The original Drake Equation hypothesized 3,500 intelligent civilizations in our galaxy.


To illustrate the magnitude of the possibility of extraterrestrial life in the entire universe, we can perform a simple calculation. We should be conservative—in fact, preposterously so—perhaps ten intelligent civilizations per galaxy. Here is the next question: how many galaxies exist in the universe? The consensus answer is about 400 billion, although the exact number is unknown. So the following equation gives us an extremely conservative number of intelligent civilizations in the universe:

10 civilizations per galaxy · 400 billion galaxies = 4 trillion civilizations in the universe.

Obviously, this is a huge number of intelligent civilizations. Humans believing we are alone is thus absurd, indicative more of our anthropocentrism than any logic or reason. But the question still remains of how extraterrestrial civilizations would advance themselves to explore the galaxy. So next, we must consider how intelligent civilizations might develop societies and technologies for such galactic exploration.


In 1964, Soviet astronomer Nikolai Kardashev developed a methodology to measure the technological sophistication of a civilization based on the amount of energy it can exploit. It is known as the Kardashev Scale and serves as a type of prerequisite for colonization since any colonization effort requires a massive expenditure of energy. The Kardashev Scale is as follows:

    • Type I civilization – can exploit all the energy available on its planet
    • Type II civilization – can exploit energy at the scale of its star
    • Type III civilization – can exploit energy at the scale of its entire galaxy

Human civilization is currently a little less than a Type I civilization. A huge presumption in this formulation is that a civilization will endure for the time

required for exploitation of advanced energy sources. These energy sources, such as fusion power or space-based solar arrays, have been theorized but remain technological fantasies. So although the Kardashev Scale is a good initial framework for discussions about the energy required for the colonization of space, more relevant is a formulation that recognizes not only the energies required but the full civilizational capabilities necessary to first colonize our own solar system and then the galaxy beyond. We can refer to this capability as the “expertise” of our civilization—the combined energy, informational, scientific, technological, economic, philosophical, and political aspects of human culture. As humanity continues to develop its expertise, we can imagine our progression up this scale; the key point, however, is that the Drake Equation and the Kardashev Scale provide a solid basis for the consideration of extraterrestrial life and how it might advance.


Another possibility to consider is whether some of these advanced civilizations may already be impinging upon human consciousness. This consideration directs to the UFO Phenomenon. Humans have been observing unidentified flying objects since we first wandered the Earth. The UFO Phenomenon is intricate, exhibiting material and immaterial characteristics, and is both reticent and powerful. It contradicts consensus reality and is the greatest unofficially recognized enigma of existence. Typically the subject is ignored by mainstream media and the culture at large; it takes courage to pursue the UFO phenomenon, with advocates often derided because the concept conflicts with accepted wisdom and governmental pronouncements.


Within the UFO community is widespread disagreement on the phenomenon. It is assumed that the national security apparatus possesses the preponderance of valuable information, but the entire subject is replete with both credible data and obvious disinformation. Perhaps the only area of agreement is that governments have conducted extensive concealment and deception in an effort to obfuscate the truth and control public opinion.

Here, we are especially interested in how the experience relates to other aspects of our study. In fact, the attributes of a UFO are not only astounding but can only be properly evaluated through an accurate comprehension of quantum physics and the nature of reality. Consider the following characteristics cited by a high-ranking government official and known as these five observables:

  1. Anti-Gravity Lift – . . . overcoming the earth’s gravity with no visible means of propulsion. . . .
  2. Sudden and Instantaneous Acceleration – The objects may accelerate or change direction so quickly that no human pilot could survive the g-forces. . . .
  3. Hypersonic Velocities without Signatures – If an aircraft travels faster than the speed of sound, it typically leaves “signatures,” like vapor trails and sonic booms. . . .
  4. Low Observability, or Cloaking – Even when objects are observed, getting a clear and detailed view of them . . .remains difficult. . . .
  5. Trans-Medium Travel – Some UFOs have been seen moving easily in and between different environments, such as space, the earth’s atmosphere and even water.

A typical UFO sighting also includes witness testimony citing the craft as under intelligent control, exceeding our current level of technological development, manipulating the physical environment with supernatural capacities, and acting in defiance of spacetime. The Center for UFO Studies has developed basic classification systems regarding the phenomenon. To further our discussion, we will use the following expanded taxonomy examining some of the more sensational aspects of the UFO phenomenon:

    • Close Encounter 1. Sighting of a UFO
    • Close Encounter 2. Physical evidence of the UFO
    • Close Encounter 3. Sighting of the occupants of the UFO
    • Close Encounter 4. Abduction of humans
    • Close Encounter 5. Interdependent communication with a UFO

For critics of the UFO phenomenon, the greater the level of close encounter, the greater the level of implausibility. For advocates, the greater the level of close encounter, the greater the level of comprehension. We can consider each separately.


In a Close Encounter 1, the witness discerns details such as the shape of the craft, spatial dimensions, distance from the ground, flight characteristics, lighting and window specifications, emanant sounds, design cuts, exterior edges, and distance travelled. Some reports include reference to engine protrusions, ignition flames, laser or beam activity, shifting structures or shapes, and light transformations.


In a Close Encounter 2, witnesses and researchers report physical evidence such as malfunctions of equipment, indentations in the soil, chemical residue, burned vegetation, damaged trees, broken concrete, and crushed structures. Often there are radioactive readings at the site and surrounding area. Investigators note bizarre atomic and molecular arrangements on recovered metals and alloys, as well as unique chemical signatures and structural properties. Pieces and fragments often cannot be burned or destroyed.


In a Close Encounter 3, witnesses report viewing the occupants of the UFO. These occupants include humanoids, robots, cyborgs, and beings indistinguishable from humans. The humanoids are often described as three to four feet tall with large heads, enormous black eyes, elongated arms, grey skin, and a distinct lack of muscularity. Their facial features are slight, nearly imperceptible. The robots and cyborgs are reported to be more mechanical and usually accompany a humanoid from the craft. The human-appearing extraterrestrials are typically described as tall and blonde with Nordic features. Others are reported wearing spacesuits and flight gear.


In a Close Encounter 4, witnesses report being abducted by extraterrestrials. A standard feature is missing time. These accounts are becoming more common in the exploration of the UFO phenomenon. Typically, the witness reports an examination performed by the extraterrestrials where the human is probed, has their skin scraped, sperm and eggs extracted, fluids injected or removed, tissue sampled, and bodies scrutinized with technical equipment. Often, the extraterrestrial scans the brain of the abducted human, retrieves individual memories, and projects images into the mind. Some humans report being threatened or scoffed at by their abductors. We will return to the subject of abduction to further explore it as an aspect of a much larger UFO phenomenon.


In a Close Encounter 5, there is direct communication between humans and extraterrestrials that involves signaling, messaging, telepathy, meditation, and projection of Consciousness. Pilots often report that a UFO may imitate lighting sequences, aircraft waves, ascents and descents, and flight characteristics of both military and commercial planes in an apparent effort to communicate. Proponents of human-initiated communication advocate various lighting transmissions into the nighttime sky to attract a UFO.

One of the more bizarre aspects of the UFO phenomenon concerns its ability to affect both physical reality and apparent spacetime. For example, witnesses often have a portent that something is about to happen, and their eyes are directed upward to view the UFO. Jenny Randles termed this the “Oz Factor.” Remarkably, individuals in the surrounding area (who should see something) often report observing nothing, yet the witnesses in closer proximity observe the craft. Thus, it appears that there is a “sphere of effect” proximate to the UFO. Likely this is caused by either a physical force or a mental projection. In short, does the UFO actually customize the physical environment or insert the image of itself into the mind of the witness? If the former, the UFO has an incredible ability to manipulate the material realm, and if the latter, it has the power to shape the Consciousness of the experiencer. In either case, it exhibits capabilities that far surpass those of human beings.


We can further examine this point to reveal its potential quantum origins. Somehow, the UFO phenomenon is able to connect to the minds of observers while leaving other potential witnesses unaffected. Those under the “sphere of effect” often report telepathic communication with those near them and that time ceases to exist. The UFO controls the situation and secludes the witnesses it prefers. Yet there is often physical evidence of the UFO that suggests it appears in the material realm, not just in the minds of observers. So it follows that the UFO is physically manifest and that part of its reality is its ability to connect to the Consciousness of the observer. This connection to Consciousness through observation sounds incredibly similar to the findings of the Double Slit Experiment, suggesting the intelligence behind the UFO phenomenon has either learned to exploit the immaterial realm or has ascertained the secrets of Mind.


In any case, the UFO Phenomenon is real, controlled by an intelligence that is vastly superior to humans. The Drake Equation and Kardashev Scale provide the theoretical underpinnings for the probability of extraterrestrial life and how sentient beings may advance themselves. Yet, the characteristics and behaviors of the UFO Phenomenon suggest a potentially supernatural or spiritual dimension with a vested interest in humanity and our advancement. As such, it will be imperative for both individuals and society to consider how we must integrate with something so potentially transformative. We can consider this aspect next in our study.

Humanity in the Galaxy

If we venture to the stars, we must be prepared for what we find.

Whatever the truth of the UFO Phenomenon, it will transform our world in unimaginable ways; like any intelligent species, we must survive to achieve that transformation. More importantly, we must break through our current stagnation to ensure our survival since our natural resource base is dwindling and the future mandates huge expenditures of energy and materials. Invariably, we must extend ourselves into the solar system and then beyond.


Nature has demonstrated that 99% of all species go extinct. Humans are another species, more intelligent perhaps, but biology proves our vulnerability. Add to that our history. We are a belligerent group. We war and kill each other. Eventually, all weapons are used on a massive scale, with nuclear and biological weapons likely no exception. Other challenges to our survival are also apparent. In the near term, we will have global warming, overpopulation, economic inequality, environmental destruction, and even artificial intelligence. In the distant future are threats such as resource depletion, solar expansion, asteroid impacts, and universal entropy.


Yet perhaps our biggest challenge is something deeper, something more fundamental to life, based in biology and causative of our peril. This is known as the biological imperative, the predominant self-preservation mechanism inherent in all living things. Essentially, this is the core of our problems since it causes us to be selfish. Many choose not to reproduce, but virtually everyone chooses to survive. The harshness of nature causes insecurity, all of us seeking safety against adversity to enhance our survival prospects. The net result is the perception of never having enough. Thus, we prioritize ourselves, often at the expense of others and certainly at the expense of society. Selfishness is built into us and into the system. As a result, the overexploitation of Earth will likely progress to inevitable resource depletion and environmental devastation. Many experts believe the only viable option at that point will be the colonization of space. According to them, we will simply have to find other worlds in which to sustain ourselves.


If it becomes imperative to colonize space, governments must powerfully advocate the benefits of space exploration. Countries in leadership roles, especially the United States, must champion not only the advantages of exploring space but also the opportunity cost of not pursuing colonization, including our own extinction. Moreover, all governments must be truthful about our level of technological stagnation. We have little ability to grow nourishment in space or carry sufficient water supplies. We have neither the means to provide the energy requirements for colonization on another world nor a viable method to stop radiation exposure without the protective environment of Earth’s atmosphere. We have no method of perpetuating ourselves in space since procreation requires the specifics of Earth’s gravity. Simply, our technological sophistication is inadequate to colonize space and is further thwarted by the bounds of classical physics and our current materialist paradigm. Thus, the question becomes whether scientific progress can surpass resource depletion and environmental destruction in sufficient time to extend our species.


If the universe is mental and spiritual, we must master these foundational elements to ensure out future. The exploration and colonization of interstellar space demand more than technological expertise, requiring a spiritual integrity commensurate with an advanced species. We can refer to this collective spirituality as the human spirit. As we have seen, Spirit is absolute and pure and does not result from some evolutionary and secular process; rather, it is fundamental to reality. Spirit is instilled in us by God; it comes with being human. Once placed in bodies, Spirit is corrupted, and its expression becomes dualistic. That is the reason humans are both good and bad, our choices either diminishing or elevating spirit. The way to elevate spirit is to recognize its source and act accordingly. So before we can travel to the stars, we must choose to be exceptional beings who take inspiration from Spirit itself. That will align our spiritual essence with our scientific and technological progression so we virtuously manage our futures.


For the entire planet to save itself, humans must be unified and dedicated to balancing material and spiritual aspects of existence. About 85% of the world’s population is religious. A belief in God is not only pervasive but defines our existence since we are fundamentally spiritual beings. Nevertheless, science has been instrumental to our advance, so the scientific and spiritual domains must be integrated for maximum collective benefit. This fusion will result in shared wisdom and purpose. A shared vision for the future begins with us, with the insight spreading from individuals to groups, to localities to states, to nations and alliances, and finally to world civilization. Everyone must participate. If not, increasing scarcity will cause “resource” conflicts with the potential for war and nuclear devastation. Governments (those with powerful militaries) will take all measures against global adversaries to secure adequate resources; as events grow more desperate, they will eliminate personal liberties in order to maintain social control. Survival, as opposed to opportunity, will define human existence. To avoid this fate, we must become a species with as much spiritual aspiration as scientific proficiency. Our future depends on it.

Reality and the New Individualism

Enough evidence exists to form a more accurate picture of reality. This exploration has demonstrated the foundational nature of Consciousness, the antecedental linkage to a First Mind or God, that reality is comprised of different levels or realms, that the universe is spiritual and managed accordingly, that other sentient beings exist, and that humanity must transform itself into a new future. We have also seen that humans are an ensouled species and that the purpose of existence is the advancement of Spirit.


So what does it mean for us as individuals? What are our personal responsibilities toward our collective advancement? How are we to benefit? What must we do to advance our society toward a more just and sustainable future? As we have discovered, the universe is made of Mind and Spirit. We are spiritual beings, which prioritizes the development of the eternal Soul and diminishes the meaningless pursuits of the dispensable Body. Acceptance of this fact provides a shared purpose that will transform our culture into a unified spiritual community.


Once souls are placed into bodies, they assume a physical nature. This makes them subject to physical laws, properties, behaviors, and outcomes. In a sense, a soul is corrupted by being placed into a body, so we must recognize this fact and aspire toward a higher nature. This describes the struggle between our more spiritual essence and the depravity of material being. This conflict extends into society. In fact, society can be judged commensurate with its spiritual development. Moreover, in a technological age where scientific materialism is exalted and spiritualism denigrated, the challenge for spiritual growth is even greater. We are battling our own proficiencies. Our physical successes are hindering our spiritual development, subverting our own salvation. From the individual through to civilization at large, we must enhance our spirituality to safeguard ourselves and the planet.


If a soul is the mind, intention, and emotions of a person, we have the power to will ourselves to higher standards. This requires living our principles instead of claiming them. Principles are self-directed rules, beliefs, and ideas that guide behavior. In an era of increasingly visible attempts at virtue signaling, it is paradoxical how little virtue actually exists. This attests to the dedication required to be truly principled. To live principled lives demands incessant focus on those principles, often at the sacrifice of self. This is diametrically opposed to the biological imperative previously discussed. Community is currently being dissolved through increasing levels of self-interest, narcissism, greed, and irresponsibility. If selfish genetics are contributing to our collective demise, we may require genetic manipulation to save ourselves.


Short of biological adjustment, we first require a change of worldview. It was natural for humans to focus on the physical; our five senses predispose us to see things in material terms. Yet, as we have seen, Mind and Spirit are foundational. We are SoulMind and our emphasis should be on this aspect since our physicalism often leads us astray. Consider the following example of how our physicalist predispositions cause erroneous prioritization of what truly matters.


History has shown the ubiquity of racism on our planet. This issue is still prominent in society, indicative of both its perpetuity and irresolution. Racism has existed in every culture and every race. Some nations, in particular Nazi Germany, have been founded on the concept. Consideration of race logically results from outward physical appearance. We look different from one another; we have different colors, features, characteristics, and textures. Yet there is no scientific or genetic basis for the concept of race; we are literally all members of the same human family. Moreover, if the human body is only a container for a soul, the emphasis should be on our spiritual essence and not any superficialities like appearance or race. Whatever the color of a soul, we are all that color. We are already unified at the soul level, so prioritization of physical race is extraneous at best and divisive at worst. Thus, emphasis on the physical is often deceptive and deleterious. Our senses have led us astray. We must exist in the physical realm, but our orientation should be toward our SoulMind and the innate unity of shared Spirit. 


Perhaps, given the high probability of extraterrestrial life, we should also expand our self-perception from human to humanoid. If not, we run the risk of extending a type of racism into space, in what we can term phenotypism, us against them, humans against extraterrestrials, as opposed to having an appreciation and respect for all life everywhere. Anthropocentrism, man at the center of everything, will likely be devastated with the confirmation of extraterrestrial life; instead of being demoralized with this fact, we should respect all sentient life (assuming such life is peaceful and benevolent) through recognition of its spiritual origins. Remember, all life everywhere is subject to the same master plan of the Creator. The New Individualism will require us to recognize this spiritual commonality. That alone is a basis for good galactic relations, as the vast preponderance of advanced beings must certainly recognize our shared spiritual essences and act accordingly.


Nevertheless, as some species may trend toward malevolency, we must also be diligent in our defense. Our experience on Earth has proven evil exists. In fact, much of the human story is a struggle against evil. Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Mussolini, just to name a few, have not only embodied evil but also shown that entire societies can be lead astray by cults of personalities. The same dynamic could occur in extraterrestrial civilizations, and although probably rare compared to the spiritually advanced cultures, these aberrational societies could still present a threat to us.


More importantly, cults of personalities are an indictment against the masses, who all too often and willingly follow evil to their own demise. As a result, The New Individualism requires an elevation of the masses (greater intelligence, enhanced ethics, higher principles, superior wisdom) as an immunization against authoritarianism and tyranny. Some would argue humanity has evolved past vulnerability to these phenomena, but consider the compliance and servitude of the masses during recent pandemic lockdowns. The relinquishment of rights, liberties, freedoms, and opinions was absolutely astounding. If anything, the public is even more vulnerable to manipulation and submission because of social media and a dumb downed culture. People are much too easily influenced and controlled by elites; we require less reliance on leaders and more dedication to improving ourselves. In short, we must become leaders of the self and question everything. Humanity must ascend to mastery over our own fallibilities to transcend our dubious past, including our tendency to defer to perceived superiors. We must recognize that community is fortified through individual empowerment.  


To facilitate this transition requires a change of perspective toward holism as opposed to separability. Oneness is the natural state. Separability encourages deferment to others and the relative diminishment of the self. Collective power is individual power grouped collectively. Short of that, humans are prey for power seekers. Quantum truths, specifically entanglement, prove everything is connected. Our “inherent” predisposition toward physicalness (using our five senses) precluded the proper perspective (our immaterial foundations) and instead focused on the various separations evident in the physical world. These separations include all physical properties from atoms to the universe itself and everything in between, including the gaps in people. In truth, everything is unified at the foundational level of Mind and Spirit, including us. Panpsychism and Panspiritism characterize the universe and define its nature. At the most foundational level, that of SoulMind, we are already one.


To be sure, a physical reality exists and we must participate in it, but foundationally we live in something akin to a simulation. Material reality is foundationally immaterial. Another crucial component of the New Individualism is to recognize this inherent dualism, a manifest physical reality and a foundational incorporeality, and give each their proper due. The correct understanding is that dualism results from a division of oneness into separability so that Spirit can assume physical form. We must exist in the physical to expand the spiritual, recognizing that success in the former leads to enhancement of the latter. Therefore, we have a dual responsibility toward the environment of the body and the realm of the soul.


Fortunately, these two seemingly disparate aspects are symbiotic and synthetic. Each benefit from the other and contribute to a higher severality and enriched totality. Thus, actuality is both material and immaterial, each fundamental to our existence, yet both interwoven into a comprehensive oneness matching original uniformity. We must successfully understand their separateness and fusion. What remains is how to accomplish this as individuals. The following is a list of what the New Individualism requires to advance ourselves and our culture given the true nature of reality:

    1. We must accept our spiritual primacy. We are spiritual beings.
    2. We must enhance our principles to align with Spirit and direct our behaviors.
    3. We must recognize that individual choices determine societal outcomes.
    4. We must utilize the mechanisms of managed destiny to advance ourselves.
    5. We must develop an amenability to new realities. Materialism is being toppled.
    6. We must safeguard our planet. We require a life sustaining Earth.
    7. We must develop an appreciation for all life everywhere. Life is precious.
    8. We must integrate the existence of extraterrestrials into our worldview.
    9. We must balance self-interest with community enrichment.
    10. We must see technology as an adjunct and not an essentiality. We are essential.
    11. We must construct a civilization that advances our essence. We are Souls.
    12. We must accept our significance in the larger master plan of the Creator.

We are entering a new paradigm that will transform our understanding of ourselves and our place in the universe. Reality is not what it seems. Our five senses, utilized to navigate and comprehend the physical world, deceived us. The belief that everything is physical and real is false. Only through quantum experimentation did we get a glimpse into the true nature of things. The base state is incorporeal and unreal. Nature is also infinitely complex, including different dimensions, realms, domains, levels, and types of beings. Yet, Mind and Spirit are foundational. We live in a type of simulation, where things appear real, but are actually immaterial essence manifest in physical form. Fundamentally, we are souls in bodies, reflecting original Mind and Spirit, the universe a stage for spiritual growth. A master plan exists, devised by the Creator, but only God knows its full intention and ultimate conclusion. This realization is itself revolutionary. Once grasped, this understanding of reality mandates aspiration toward spiritual perfection. Thus, we must develop a New Individualism commensurate with this emerging perception of our true nature. It is time for us to develop a civilization that is both enduring and virtuous, assured of our place in the master plan, forwarding Spirit toward its teleological ends.